Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Action Items

60 Seconds of Action: The Senate is finally poised to act on the Darfur Peace and Accountability Act (S. 1462), which we view as must-pass legislation to protect the people of Darfur. There is still work to do, however, in order to capitalize on this newfound momentum and make sure that the bill gets through the home stretch in the Senate and is subsequently passed in the House before Congress adjourns for the year next month. There are a number of Senators who had cosponsored an earlier bill, the Darfur Accountability Act, but who have not yet cosponsored the newer Darfur Peace and Accountability Act. If you live in AR, FL, LA, ME, MD, NE, PA, SD, TX or VT, please click here for contact information and calling instructions for your Senator who cosponsored the original bill, and thank you again for your help.

60 Minutes of Action: If you have web design experience, consider lending a bit of your time and expertise to Darfur Peace and Development, a nonprofit founded by natives of Darfur which shares our goal of bringing peace to the region. They have asked for assistance in finding a web designer willing to help them improve and maintain their website. Please email if you are interested.