Saturday, April 29, 2006

News Articles from Iran c/o Daily Briefing on Iran

Russia Backs Iran's Nuclear Program April 22, 2006.
USA Wants Russia to Stop Arms Sales to Iran

The West seeks to increase efforts to support the people of Iran.
  • The Financial Times reported that the US and UK are working on a strategy to promote democratic change in Iran.
  • The Jerusalem Post reported that Israeli President Moshe Katsav warned the people of Iran that their radical regime is leading them toward the abyss.
Ya'll will not believe this next one.
Harry Reid calls for the diplomatic recognition of Iran.
Iran scared out of the terrorist game?
  • Thomas Joscelyn, The Weekly Standard challenged a recent statement by former National Security Council staffers Richard Clarke and Steven Simon that the U.S. intelligence community scared Iran out of the terrorist game.
The Washington Times, in an editorial, asked the question: Can Iran Be Deterred?
The American Foreign Policy Council published a table of Iran's leading trading partners.
Amir Taheri, Asharq Alawsat reported that Ahmadinejad's tactical successes could lead to a strategic disaster for Iran.

Category: Middle East, Iran, USSR, Belarus, Terrorism and USA