Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Please help by signing Petition

Please help us to do what we can to save this young person. You think it is too hard? Sometimes it seems that way, but it is even harder when no one stands up for you. Soon, there will be no one left to stand for anyone, if we do not act. I would really appreciate your help.

BTW, I hate the UN, but even I am willing to trying any resource necessary for another's life. Thank you.

Please read this article. This is an Iranian women who is going to be murdered! Help! Now!

Update: What you need to do it click on the picture, copy it, make sure your site is on HTML as if you were going to write a new post, paste, copy that, then transfer to your template. If you have difficulty getting the code necessary to place this on your blog, please e-mail me. I will send the code to you. Thank you.

Nathan from Church and State is having an open trackback this weekend, 4/8-9/2006. I have entered this article, and you may want to enter an article of your own. It is a very good site. Have a great Sunday.