Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Another Peace Deal in Sudan...for how long?

"Earlier today, the Sudanese government and two of the main Darfur rebel factions signed a peace agreement to end three years of fighting that has killed hundreds of thousands and displaced millions from their homes." This was Friday, May 5, 2006.

On May 6, this followed: "In Abuja, Nigeria yesterday, the government of Khartoum and the largest of the Darfuri rebel factions, the Sudan Liberation Army, agreed to a peace deal. Terms include disarming the Arab Janjaweed militia,...compensating refugees, transferring some of the government's oil wealth to the region and enlisting thousands of Darfuri rebels into the regular Sudanese Army."

However, this is not the first time Sudan has promised to stop the genocide in Darfur, Sudan. The Opinion Journal has covered the extent to which this government will go to thwart it's responsibilities.
    In April 2004, his government signed the Humanitarian Ceasefire Agreement with rebel groups in N'Djamena, Chad. But Khartoum continued to kill Darfuris via the Janjaweed. In November, Mr. Bashir agreed to grant unrestricted access to humanitarian aid groups. [continue reading]
While David from SaveDarfur.org reminds us we must continue to keep up the momentum we have gained with over 800,000 post cards we have sent to President Bush, the 50,000 people who showed up at the DC Rally to Stop the Genocide, and all the rallies across America and across the sea in Europe; we must not sit back and relax. Now is not the time.

We should all thank President Bush for putting Darfur on one of his top agendas. We must also encourage him not to give up nor forget. I know it is difficult when you have no backing. This is my advice to my friends and friends of Darfur: Stop looking backward.

Yes, that is what I said. Do you think the UN is going to help? America has paid 85% of all the aid given to Darfur. How are we stingy? I have not forgotten that remark. That, however, is not why we give. We do this because this is who we are.

The UN cannot even bring itself to call it genocide. No, we are going to have to go without them. NATO is talking about not helping. I am very disappointed. Maybe we should rethink our relationship with Europe, yes? After all, what do they do but stop us or have their hands out?

Getting back to the point. Darfur needs our help still. Please be polite. Please keep up the fight. We must continue to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves...yet. Thank you.